Critical Questioning in Chaotic Times

I recently began a new blog. Not as much as a blog as a blurt — a place for me to hash out the chatter that’s been distracting me from my real work.

You know that chatter.

When our failing democracy drowns out any literary thought. When I should be finishing one of my seven half-written essays, but I’m in the garden yankin’ weeds or out back in the woods whacking a stick against dead branches. I am in a constant state of physical motion to the point of mental stasis, and nature bears the brunt of my intellectual storm.

Where do we go when different sides of us need to be heard? When the snarky voice of sarcastic Kelly refuses to keep her trap shut & sabotages the thoughtful musings of her flowery, well-researched literary twin?

What happens when writers shush the rage and the urgency and craft our pieces into smooth lines of palatable bits? When we worry: Will the essay be published? Read? Honored? Will I be paid? Is the real story lost to line edits?

“The faster you blurt, the more swiftly you write, the more honest you are.” Ray Bradbury

Gestation Nation is where the voice meets the page.

When the only option is to throw open the cage door & let her speak as she tries to sort through the onslaught of data and reimagine the colonial mindset.

Gestation Nation is a go-to gestination for critical questioning in chaotic times. Join me in conversation as I give these words the space that they demand. Perhaps then, I can get on with my work.

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