Gestation Nation

How can I write when I have so many seeds, morsels, nuggets swirling in my brain that my head is like one big public pool? Drowning under a wave of urgency, I’m unable to catch a thoughtful breath never mind complete an essay. 

Does this sound familiar? Are you, like me, fighting to stay afloat?

Gestation Nation is an incubator for chatter ~ those thoughts that tweak the frontal cortex & make your eyebrow twitch.

A container to blurt, gestate, and give rise to action.  

A container for critical thinkers to share, hash out, & most importantly nurture the next generation of free thinkers.

Why Now? 

At a time when it would be easier to drown my head, or my vagina, and hide from the ceaseless rhetoric of draconian lawmakers and their legislative onslaught on reproductive health, I crave fact-based, opinion-fueled perspective and I know that I am not alone.

Pick a Topic, Any Topic

Thinking about the melting polar ice cap or your toddler being gunned down in school? Perhaps the thought of rising prescriptions, dirty water in Flint or voter suppression keeps you awake at night? Antisemitism, children in cages, LGBTQ+ Rights, white supremacy, Putin interfering in our elections or the president who refuses to stop him. If it’s on your mind, it’s on mine.

So grab your floaties, we may not solve every issue but we can make some noise. 

Welcome to Gestation Nation.

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